New Angle

I had some technical difficulties recently with my computer not capturing audio while I was recording, but I found a new program that I think works better.

I uploaded two more short videos, this time with an overhead angle at my friend’s suggestion. I had to hang my webcam from a floor lamp, but I think it looks okay. I’m still experimenting with different setups so leave me a comment here or on YouTube if you have any thoughts. Do you prefer the overhead view or the profile view? Is there anything else you like to see in cover videos? I’m considering adding gameplay footage or scrolling sheet music in the future.

The first video is another short Yasunori Mitsuda piece from Arc Rise Fantasia called “Luminous Rain.” The OST version uses piano plus other instruments, but the game’s website had a piano solo version that didn’t appear on the soundtrack. They only differ in one measure, so I included both in my transcription.

The second video is a piece from Forever Kingdom, known as Evergrace 2 in Japan. There’s no official tracklist, but I’ve seen other people title it “Karmyla’s Treasure” since that’s what one of the characters in the game says when the music plays.


New site launch

Welcome to my new site! I have lots of sheet music that I never posted during the Blogspot days, so I’m going to be uploading sheets and videos over the next several months. I will also gradually migrate the old sheets to this site, fixing them up as I go along. WordPress will host the PDFs but unfortunately not the MIDIs, so I’ll just keep using Mediafire for those.

I’m gonna keep this pretty simple: just sheet music and occasional blog posts to talk about the new uploads. I’m not promising a regular schedule because I probably wouldn’t stick to it for long, but you can follow this blog or subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to be notified about new uploads.

Today I posted my first video in over 5 years! It’s “Idea” by Yasunori Mitsuda from Soma Bringer. I haven’t played the game so I don’t have much to say about it, but I think it’s a very pretty piece:

I have also touched up the sheets for my 12 existing videos and posted those here. (I realize I had never posted the sheet music for the Final Fantasy Legend medley from 2014, but it is available now.) I made some corrections to “Lake Harami” from ลŒkamiย in particular, so I uploaded a new video of it.
